Requirements for the PhD Program







  • 名稱:依教育部核定為「國立陽明交通大學醫學生物技術暨檢驗學系博士班」(以下簡稱本所)英文(Department of Biotechnology and Laboratory Science in Medicine, PhD program, National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University)。
  • 入學申請及有關規定:詳見招生簡章。
  • 新生報到、註冊及其他相關規定:
  • 入學報到及註冊,悉依招生簡章及本校入學、註冊通知及其他有關規定辦理。
  • 新生錄取後應於規定期限內親自到校辦理入學手續。逾期未辦理,亦未事先請假核准者,即取消入學資格。
  • 新生所繳證件,如有不實,一經查覺,即予開除學籍。
  • 學生轉所申請,詳如本校博士班研究生申請轉所(學位學程)辦法辦理。


  • 課程:
  • 必修科目:依當學年度公布之修課規定。必修科目不及格應予重修,重修以一次為限,未獲通過者應予退學。







  • 修業年限、學分:
  • 博士班修業期限以二至七年為限。
  • 休學、退學及延長修業年限悉依本校學則及相關規定辦理。
  • 博士班研究生,至少應修畢十八學分,其中包含本所訂定之必修科目學分;逕修讀博士學位研究生至少應修畢卅學分。
  • 科目考試、成績:
  • 科目考試,得分平時考核、期中考試、學期考試等。平時考核由教師隨時舉行;期中考試及學期考試於行事曆規定時間內,由授課教師排定考試時間地點舉行。
  • 自104學年度起入學學生成績採等第制,以A+為滿分,B-為及格。性質特殊之科目,經校級課程委員會通過後,得採通過、不通過之考評方式。有關成績等第制之相關事宜,依本校「學生成績作業要點」辦理。
  • 博士班研究生學業成績不及格之必修科目,應重修,經重修一次仍不及格者,應令退學。操行成績不及格者,應令退學。
  • 因公、疾病或重大事故,無法如期參加考試者,悉依本校規定辦理。
  • 論文指導:
    • (一)本所對每一博士班研究生均個別成立論文指導委員會。
    • (二)研究生確定指導教授後,指導教授應向所長推薦二至四位助理教授或同等資歷以上教學研究人員,共同擔任論文指導委員,經所長同意後組成論文指導委員會,指導教授為該委員會之當然召集人,直接負責指導該研究生有關學業與論文研究、撰寫事宜。
  • 指導教授:
    • 各研究生之指導教授由本所專或兼任助理教授以上教師擔任,指導教授之職責為:
    • (一)負責所指導研究生之全程學業輔導,含選課、閱讀、研究實驗、論文撰寫等。
  • 出席與指導研究生有關之評審會議。
  • 本所研究生原則上最晚應於入學後第2學期結束前選定論文指導教授。
  • 申請更換指導教授,詳如「國立陽明交通大學論文指導教授與研究生互動準則」及本系「研究生轉換實驗室辦法」辦理。


  • 博士學位候選人資格考核:








  • 資格考核委員依本校「研究生學位授予作業規章」相關規定辦理,論文指導老師不得為考核委員。




  • 學位考試﹕
    • 博士學位候選人,應於校訂行事曆規定期限內,填妥申請表格,附歷年成績單、資格考核及格證明,於論文考試一個月前向本所提出學位考試申請,由指導教授及所長審核後,另檢附審查通過之該生委員名冊,一併交教務處辦理。
    • 其他應考條件:
      1. 博士班學生提出學位考試申請時,至少需有一篇論文已接受發表於SCI或其他國際科學索引指標列名之期刊接受,該生必須為第一作者,並以本系為第一順位名義發表。
      2. 第二篇投稿論文初稿須經學位口試委員會認可者。(110學年度後入學博士班學生開始適用)
      3. 博士學位論文初稿經指導教授初審通過。
    • 學位考試委員:




  • 論文初稿撰寫:



  • 論文考試:





  • 論文考試及格後,考試委員建議修改部份,必需依照建議完成修改,或說明無法修改之原因,經指導教授審查通過後,方能定稿。學生修改後之論文定稿應完成論文原創性比對報告並經指導教授確認,由各考試委員簽署論文審定同意書。
  • 博士學位論文(含摘要)以中文或英文撰寫,並須符合本校學位論文格式規範。學位考試通過後應將論文摘要及全文電子檔上網建檔(依照本校圖書館學位論文摘要及全文電子檔建檔規範辦理),並繳交論文二冊(一冊本校圖書館陳列,一冊由國家圖書館收藏)
  • 學位論文之保存或提供依學位授予法第十六條辦理。但涉及機密、專利事項或依法不得提供者,則依本校學位論文延後公開相關規定處理。
  • 需繳交學位論文原創性比對報告及學位論文學術倫理暨原創性比對聲明書後,方能辦理離校程序。






Requirements for the PhD Program

Requirements for the PhD Program of Department of Biotechnology and Laboratory Science in Medicine, National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University

Revised and Passed at Department Affairs Meeting on March 21, 2023

1. The name of the Institute was approved by Ministry of Education as “國立陽明交通大學醫學生物技術暨檢驗學系博士班” (hereinafter referred to as the Institute), and in English as Department of Biotechnology and Laboratory Science in Medicine, PhD program, National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University.

2. Please refer to the Admissions Handbook for current academic year about the entrance examinations and the related regulations.

3. Registration and Enrollment for New Students:

(1) The administration of registration and enrollment shall refer to the Admissions Handbook for current academic year, notices of admission and registration, and other related regulations of NYCU.

(2) Admitted new students shall attend school in person to register before the prescribed deadline. Admissions will be revoked for those who fail to complete their enrollment on time without approval of unexcused absence.

(3) If any document provided by a new student is found to be false upon verification, the registered student status shall be deprived.

4. Courses:

(1) Compulsory courses: Advanced Medical Biotechnology, Biotechnology in Biomedical Industry, Research Ethics

(2) Elective courses: Course selection shall be according to the course schedule for current semester announced by NYCU Office of Academic Affairs.

(3) The required elective course: Students enrolled in PhD program under fifth grade are required for Seminar.

(4) Course selection or addition/removal shall be administered according to the NYCU Academic Regulations and relevant rules.

(5) Students who have completed the compulsory subjects, i.e., Advanced Medical Biotechnology, Biotechnology in Biomedical Industry, during master’s program are entitled to transfer the credits after being approved at Institute Affairs Meeting.

(6) After the laboratory is selected, students shall take “Research in Biotechnology” every academic year started from their second grade of PhD program.

(7) Before the end of the second academic year, students should choose an undergraduate laboratory course for teaching training, and give a lecture for the course. The lecture topic shall be determined by the advisor, and the course grade for the student shall be evaluated by the course instructor.

(8) Started from the 2016 academic year, PhD students shall take at least two core subjects and two credits of the college-level Seminar from eight subjects, including Introduction of Medical Engineering, General Biomedical Imaging and Radiological Sciences, Introduction to Photonics, Introduction of Assistive Technology, Advanced Medical Biotechnology, Biostatistics, Engineering Mathematics, Scientific Writing, and one subject of college-level Seminar planned by the College.

(9) For recognition of credits taken or credit transfer for two core compulsory subjects of the college, please refer to Credit Transfer Regulations and of NYCU.


5. Limited Duration of Study and Credits

(1) The study duration for PhD program is limited in two to seven years.

(2) Students enrolled in PhD program shall complete at least 18 credits, including the compulsory courses designated by the Department. Those who are directly admitted to PhD program shall complete at least 30 credits.

(3) The above-mentioned credits exclude the credits for a doctoral dissertation for PhD Program.

6. Subject Examinations and Grades

(1) Subject examinations are divided into the results of tests/quizzes, midterm examination and end-of-term examination. Tests/quizzes can be taken at any time designated by the instructor. The midterm examination and the end-of-term examination shall be held and arranged for the date and location during the identified period in the calendar by the course instructor.
(2) Recording a final semester grade shall be completed within two weeks after the end-of-term examination. It is deemed as finished to submit the confirmed grade to the Academic Affairs for permanent preservation.

(3) If a teacher requests to alter the original grade due to mistakes or omissions, a written form of alteration application with relevant supporting information shall be submitted. After being reviewed by the Chair of the Department, reconfirmed by the Dean of the College of Biomedical Science and Engineering, and approved by the Dean of the Academic Affairs, it will be corrected in advance. This shall be ratified in the subsequent semester at the Academic Affairs Meeting.

(4) Graduate students are evaluated on a percentage scale of 0 to 100 points for academic performance, with 100 as the highest grade and 70 as the lowest passing grade. The conduct is scored by grade, a grade of B is deemed as pass. For students enrolled after the 2015 academic year, a grade of A+ is identified as a full mark, and a grade of B- is deemed as the lowest passing. For special subjects, it can be evaluated by passing or failing after being approved by school-level Curriculum Committee. For administering matters related to grading, please refer to Regulations for Grading of Students.

(5) A PhD student shall retake the failed course that is required for graduation. Those who fail to pass a required course twice shall be dismissed from NYCU. Students receiving a failing grade for personal conduct shall be dismissed from NYCU.

(6) For those who are unable to take the examination as scheduled due to official business, illness or serious accidents, please refer to the relevant regulations of NYCU.

7. Dissertation Advising:

(1) The Department will found a Dissertation Advisory Committee for each student of PhD degree program.

(2) The advisor once determined by a graduate student shall recommend two to four members of Dissertation Advisory Committee to the Chief of the Institute. The background of members shall be equal to or rank above Assistant Professor or Assistant Research Fellow in teaching or research field. After being approved by the Chief of the Institute, a Dissertation Advisory Committee will be founded. The advisor is responsible for acting as the convener of the committee, and shall give advice to the graduate student for both studies and research, including writing instruction for dissertation.

8. A Dissertation Advisor:

A dissertation advisor for a graduate student shall be equal to or rank above Assistant Professor or Adjunct Assistant Professor serving in the Department. The responsibilities are as follows:

(1) Be responsible for mentoring studies, including course selection, reading, research and experiments, and writing a dissertation, of all semesters.

(2) Attend all review meeting related to the supervised student.

9. Qualifying Examination for PhD Candidates

(1) Requirements: Those who have completed the required courses and received passing grades.

(2) Academic performance assessment: Those who have completed the Advanced Medical Biotechnology and received a score of at least 70.

(3) Qualifying examination shall be completed before the fourth academic year. Those who pass the qualifying examination before the deadline will be listed as candidates for the doctoral degree.

(4) Students who fail the qualifying examination may retake the examination prior to the designated deadline. Those who fail to pass the examination twice shall be dismissed from NYCU.

(5) Matters related to the qualifying examination about application, withdrawal and grade recording shall refer to the relevant rules and regulations formulated by NYCU.

(6) Members of a Qualifying Examination Committee:

a. A convener appointed by the dissertation advisor is responsible for forming an oral examination committee, consisting of five to seven members. The number of members from outside of NYCU must be no less than one-third of the total number of members. The dissertation advisor shall not act as the oral examination committee member.

b. Matters of qualifying examination committee members shall refer to Article 4 of “Directions for the Administration of the PhD Qualifying Examination” formulated by NYCU. The dissertation advisor shall not act as the examination committee member.

(7) Other Related Matters:

a. The form of qualifying examination is “drafting and writing a research proposal”. Students shall write a research proposal and be examined by an oral examination. The grade, with 100 as the highest grade and 70 as the lowest passing grade, for qualifying examination shall be determined by the average of the grades given by all of the committee members. Those who pass the qualifying examination before the deadline will be listed as a PhD candidate.

b. Graduate students who prepare for their research proposal are allowed to ask for all kinds of help, including having discussions with the dissertation advisor, qualifying examination committee members, other teachers or schoolmates, conducting a rehearsal, and revising the proposal.

c. The application period for qualifying examination shall be administered in accordance with the regulations formulated by NYCU.

10. PhD Degree Examination/Dissertation Defense

(1) PhD candidates shall submit the application form with a transcript of all semesters and a certificate of passing the qualifying examination to the Institute for the application of PhD degree examination before the deadline identified in the calendar of NYCU. After being reviewed by the dissertation advisor and the chair of the Institute, these application documents accompanied by the approved list of committee members will be processed by the Office of Academic Affairs.

(2) Other Requirements for the Examination

a. A PhD student having at least one paper accepted to be published in a SCI-listed journal, in the name of the Institute, as the first author, is sufficient to submit the application for PhD degree examination. Also, a PhD student having one paper accepted to be published in a journal listed in international science citation index, in the name of the Institute, as the first author, accompanied with another one manuscript approved by degree defense committee members is sufficient to submit the application for PhD degree examination. This Article is applicable to all current PhD students.

b. The first draft of a dissertation shall be preliminarily reviewed and approved by the advisor.

(3) Degree Defense Committee Members:

a. The number of degree defense committee members which recommended by the dissertation advisor shall be five to nine, including one-third or more of non-NYCU faculty members, and one of them shall act as the convener. The dissertation advisor shall not act as the convener. The list of committee members shall be reviewed by the Chief of the Institute. If necessary, this list will be reviewed at Review Committee Meeting held by the Chief of the Institute and reconfirmed by the Dean of the College of Biomedical Science and Engineering, and then the Dean of the Academic Affairs. After approved by the President of NYCU, members will be appointed.

b. The requirements for PhD degree defense committee members shall be administered according to the Article 6 of NYCU Regulations for Conferral of Graduate Degrees.

c. Approved PhD degree defense committee members are not allowed for arbitrary change after documentation.

(4) Writing a First Draft of the Dissertation:

a. A dissertation progress report should be held prior to the dissertation writing. A student is entitled to write a dissertation upon receiving an agreement on finishing all experiments required for the dissertation and an approval for dissertation writing by the Dissertation Advisory Committee. If there’s any experiment considered as unfinished, it should be clearly pointed out. The student is entitled to write a dissertation upon condition that the above-mentioned experiments are finished and with the approval of the dissertation advisor. If there are parts of the above-mentioned experiments unfinished, a second dissertation progress report should be held, and whether the student entitled to write a dissertation should be decided by the Dissertation Advisory Committee.

b. The first draft shall be written in accordance with the prescribed format, and it shall be printed and submitted to the defense committee members within two weeks before the degree defense after being reviewed and approved by the advisor. The required number of copies depends on the number of the degree defense committee members.

(5) Doctoral Degree Examination/Dissertation Defense

a. The defense grade shall be determined by the average of the grades given by the attending members of the defense committee.

b. A score of 100 is identified as a full mark, and a score of 70 shall be passing grade for the defense. For students enrolled after the 2015 academic year, a grade of A+ is identified as a full mark, and a grade for passing the defense shall be B-.

c. Students who fail the defense may retake the defense prior to the expiration of their study periods, no more than once, and shall be expelled from the PhD program upon failing the second degree defense. To retake the defense, applicants within their study periods shall submit the application form during the period identified in the calendar. The second degree defense is allowed to be held after being approved by the advisor, the Chair of the Institute, and the Dean of the Academic Affairs.


11. Graduation and School Leaving Procedure

(1) After passing the dissertation defense, the manuscript shall be revised according to the suggestions recommended by the defense committee members, or a reasonable explanation should be given for the part cannot be revised. It can be the final draft after being reviewed and approved by the advisor, and then every defense committee member can sign the Dissertation Approval Form.

(2) The approved final version of the dissertation should be printed according to the format requirements formulated by the Ministry of Education. Please prepare 4 hardcover copies of the dissertation, with advisor’s signature in each copy.

(3) The full-text electronic file shall be recorded by discs in accordance with the rules formulated by the Ministry of Education.

(4) The Department will provide the Dissertation Defense Transcript with the above-mentioned documents submitted by students to the Division of Registrar of Office of Academic Affairs. Those who complete the clearance process would be conferred a degree in Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.) with a diploma.


12. Matters not specified in these Directions shall be administered according to relevant regulations formulated by NYCU.


13. These regulations shall be approved by the Academic Affairs Meeting before taking effect. Amendments shall be presented to the Dean of Academic Affairs according to the standard administrative procedure for review.