Szu-Hao Kung

☏ 02-28267034
微生物與免疫學 博士
醫事技術 學士.
醫學生物技術暨檢驗學系 副教授
醫學生物技術暨檢驗學系 助理教授
病理系 博士後研究
(A) 開發抗腸病毒藥物
本實驗室已經應用螢光共振能量轉移(fluorescence resonance energy transfer; FRET)的原理發展抗腸病毒藥物篩選平台,從兩個藥庫(drug library),各有1280個及800個小分子,篩選出數個具抑制腸病毒複製的化合物,部分藥物是美國食品藥物管理局批准,臨床上用於治療其他疾病的藥物,目前其中一個藥物idarubicin已經闡明其作用機制是選擇性結合到調控病毒轉譯的病毒核醣體內入位(internal ribosomal entry site),以抑制腸病毒的轉譯。另外,也發現數個抗憂鬱的臨床藥物能有效抑制腸病毒複製。由於這些臨床用藥的在人體的藥物動力學及安全性已經了解相當清楚,有利於舊藥新用,加速抗腸病毒藥物的發展。從這幾個新找到的藥物,發現其中有幾組三個臨床藥物的組合,可以在降低藥物濃度到1/10的狀況下,有效抑制腸病毒複製。該研究成果已經獲得本國、美國及歐盟專利。
(B) 開發抗冠狀病毒藥物
由於新冠病毒的高感染率及高罹病致死性,必須在第三生安等級(Biosafety level 3, BSL-3)的實驗室操作,限制了其研究。我們以兩個策略來突破研究障礙: 1. 1. 利用同屬冠狀病毒科,序列及複製機制極相似的229E冠狀病毒株進行研究。229E株感染人類僅引起普通感冒,會自行痊癒,因此可在一般等級的第二生安等級(BSL-2)實驗室操作。 2. 使用偽病毒(Pseudovirus)系統。其外層包裹有新冠病毒棘(Spike)蛋白,可模擬新冠病毒進入細胞的過程,但感染細胞後無法完成複製,因此也可在第二生安等級實驗室操作,可用來篩選抑制新冠病毒進入細胞的藥物。 我們利用挑選抗腸病毒組合藥物專利的策略,目前已經發現數組臨床藥物的組合,可在極低濃度下有效抑制229E冠狀病毒株複製。我們將與國內的BSL-3實驗室洽談合作,評估確認這幾個有效的藥物組合抑制新冠病毒的效率,並且已經著手申請該研究成果的專利。
(C) 腸病毒及冠狀病毒活化細胞內鈣離子訊息傳導路徑及其調控病毒複製的機制

圖一、許多病毒感染引發的細胞內鈣離子流動是經由內質網及細胞膜的鈣離子通道及其活化的訊息傳導路徑。ER= endoplasmic reticulum; 綠色橢圓形= ER鈣離子通道; 棕色橢圓形=細胞膜鈣離子通道; [Ca2+]C =細胞質鈣離子濃度; [Ca2+]ER =內質網鈣離子濃度。

Hsu, B.Y., Tsai Y.H, Wong, Kung S.H. (2023). Activation of store-operated calcium entry and mitochondrial respiration by enterovirus 71 is essential for viral replication. A preprint posted on bioRxiv. https://doi.org/10.1101/2023.12.20.572621
Tseng KC, Hsu BY, Ling P, Lu WW, Lin CW and Szu-Hao Kung* (2022). Antidepressant sertraline is a broad-spectrum inhibitor of enteroviruses targeting viral entry through neutralization of endolysosomal acidification. Viruses. 8; 14 (1):109.
Chen KR, Yu CK, Kung SH, Chen SH, Chang CF, Ho TC, Lee YP, Chang HC, Huang LY, Lo SY, Chang JC, Ling P. (2018). Toll-like receptor 3 is involved in detection of enterovirus A71 infection and targeted by viral 2A protease. Viruses. 2018.10(12). E689.
Lu WW, Kung FY, Deng PA, Lin YC, Lin CW, Kung SH. (2017). Development of a fluorescence resonance energy transfer–based intracellular assay to identify novel enterovirus 71 antivirals. Arch. Virol. 162 (3): 713-720.
Lu CY, Chang YC, Hua CH, Chuang C, Huang SH, Kung SH, Hour MJ, Lin CW. (2017). Tubacin, an HDAC6 Selective Inhibitor, Reduces the Replication of the Japanese Encephalitis Virus via the Decrease of Viral RNA Synthesis. International Journal of Molecular Science 18(5):E954.
Hou HY, Lu WW, Wu KY, Lin CW, Kung SH (2016). Idarubicin is a broad-spectrum enterovirus replication inhibitor that selectively targets the virus internal ribosomal entry site. J Gen Virol. 97(5): 1122-33.
Syu BY, Chao YT, Ou PT, Kung SH*. The CMPTM inactive virus transport medium can inactivate human coronavirus. Journal of Testing and Quality Assurance, 2021: 10:53-59.
Wang CY, Huang AC, Hour MJ, Huang SH, Kung SH, C Chen CH, Chen IC, Chang YS, CW Lin (2015). Antiviral Potential of a Novel Compound CW-33 against Enterovirus A71 via Inhibition of Viral 2A Protease. Viruses. 7, 3155-3171.
SARS Coronavirus Papain-Like Protease Inhibits the TLR7 Signaling Pathway through Removing Lys63-Linked Polyubiquitination of TRAF3 and TRAF6. Li SW, Wang CY, Jou YJ, Huang SH, Hsiao LH, Wan L, Lin YJ, Kung SH, Lin CW. Int J Mol Sci. 2016 May 5;17(5):678.
Lu JR, Lu WW, Lai JZ, Tsai FL, Wu SH, Lin CW, Kung SH. (2013) Calcium flux and calpain-mediated activation of the apoptosis-inducing factor contribute to enterovirus 71-induced apoptosis. J Gen Virol. 94(7):1477-85.
Lu WW, Sun JR, SS Wu, Lin WH, Kung SH (2011). A dual reporter cell assay for identifying serotype and drug susceptibility of herpes simplex virus. Analytical Biochemistry. Aug 15;415(2):97-104.
Li SW, Lai CC, Ping JF, Tsai FJ, Wan L, Lin YJ, Kung SH, Lin CW. (2011). Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus papain-like protease suppressed alpha interferon-induced responses through downregulation of extracellular signal-regulated kinase 1-mediated signalling pathways. Journal of General Virology. 92:1127-40.
Hsu YY, Liu YN, Lu WW, Kung SH. (2009). Visualizing and quantifying the differential cleavages of the eukaryotic translation initiation factors eIF4GI and eIF4GII in the enterovirus-infected cell. Biotechnol Bioeng. 104(6):1142-52.
Tsai MT, Cheng YH, Liu YN, Liao NC, Lu WW, Kung SH. (2009). Real-time monitoring of human enterovirus (HEV)-infected cells and anti-HEV 3C protease potency by fluorescence resonance energy transfer. Antimicrob Agents Chemother. 53(2):748-755.
Hsu YY, Liu YN, Wang W, Kao FJ, and Kung SH. (2007). In Vivo Dynamics of Enterovirus Protease Revealed by Fluorescence Resonance Emission Transfer (FRET) based on a novel FRET pair. Biochem Biophys Res Commun. 353, 939–945.
Kung SH, Wang SF, Huang CW, Hsu CC, Liu HF, Yang JY. (2007). Genetic and antigenic analyses of enterovirus 71 isolates in Taiwan during 1998-2005. Clin Microbiol Infect. 13(8):782-7.
Ghukasyan V, Hsu YY, Kung SH, Kao FJ. (2007). Application of fluorescence resonance energy transfer resolved by fluorescence lifetime imaging microscopy for the detection of enterovirus 71 infection in cells. J Biomed Opt. 12(2):024016.
Lu WW, Hsu YY, Yang JY, Kung SH. (2004). Selective inhibition of enterovirus 71 replication by short hairpin RNAs. Biochem Biophys Res Commun. 325(2):494-9.
Kuo YC, Lin LC, Tsai WJ, Chou CJ, Kung SH, Ho, YH.. Samarangenin B from Limonium sinense suppresses herpes simplex virus type 1 replication in Vero cells by regulation of viral macromolecular synthesis. Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy 2002;46(9):2854-2864
Y-C Wang, C-L Kao, W-T Liu, J-R Sun, Y-E Tai, and Kung SH.. A Cell Line That Secretes Inducibly a Reporter Protein for Monitoring Herpes Simplex Virus Infection and Drug Susceptibility. Journal of Medical Virology 2002;68(4):599-605.
Kuo, RL, Kung, S.H., Hsu, YY, and Liu, WT. Infection with Enterovirus 71 or expression of its 2A protease induces apoptotic cell death. Journal of General Virology 2002;83:1367-1376.
Tai, H.Y., Sun, K.H., Kung, S.H., Liu, W.T. A quantitative assay for measuring human foamy virus using an established indicator cell line. Journal of Virological Methods 2001;94:155-162.
Liu, W.T., Sun, JR, Lin, CH, Kuo RL, and Kung SH.. An indicator cell assay for detection of human cytomegalovirus based on enhanced green fluorescent protein. Journal of Virological Methods 2001;96:85-92.
Kung, S.H., Wang, Y.C., Lin, C.H., Kuo, R.L., and Liu, W.T. Rapid diagnosis and quantification of herpes simplex virus with a green fluorescent protein reporter system. Journal of Virological Methods 2000;90:205-212.
Kung, S.H., Hagstrome, J.N., Cass, D., Tai, S.J., Lin, H.F., Stafford, D. and High K.A.. Human coagulation factor IX corrects the bleeding diathesis of mice with hemophilia B. Blood 1998;91:784-790.
Nakai, H., Herzog, R.H., Hagstrome, J.H., Walter, J.H., Kung, S.H., Yang, E.Y., Tai, S.H., Iwaki, Y., Kurtzman, G.J., Fisher,K.J., Colosi,P., Couto, L.B., and High, K.A.. Adeno-associated viral vector-mediated gene transfer of human blood coagulation factor IX into mouse liver. Blood 1998;91:4600-4607.
Herzog, R.W., Hagstrome, J.N., Kung, S.H., Tai, S.J., Wilson, J.M., Fisher, K. J., and High, K.A. Stable gene transfer and expression of human blood coagulation factor IX after intramuscular injection of recombinant adeno-associated virus. Proceedings of the national academy of sciences of the United States of America 1997;94:5804-5809.
Kung, S.H. and Medveczky, P. Identification of a Herpesvirus saimiri cis-acting DNA fragment that permits stable replication of episomes in transformed T cells. Journal of Virology 1996;70:1738-1744.