Cheng Huang

☏ 02-2826-7149 (Office);
02-2826-7000 #65923 (Lab)
〒 Institute of Biotechnology in Medicine,
National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University
Institute of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, National Taiwan University, Ph.D.
Institute of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, National Taiwan University, M.S.
Department of Medical Technology, National Taiwan University, B.S.
1. 特發性肺纖維化(idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis, IPF)是一種特殊的原因不明之慢性纖維化間質性肺炎,病灶局限於肺部。它的特點是呼吸困難和肺功能漸進性惡化,且預後很差。IPF發病率在全世界迅速上升,主要由肺器官中一連串由發炎引發的纖維化過程所造成。尤其最近,大多數嚴重的 COVID-19 患者會出現過度發炎的症狀和肺炎,COVID-19 的主要危險因素與 IPF相同,即老年、男性以及合併症如高血壓和糖尿病。目前用作IPF的一線治療藥物有pirfenidone 和 nintedanib,但由於存在多種副作用,使病人的生活質量和生存率均未得到明顯改善。因此,需要開發IPF肺纖維化的新型治療方法,以提高患者的生存率。本實驗室的目的是研究針對 TGF-β 相關機制之抗肺纖維化的新型藥物,並確定這些抗肺纖維化作用的藥物之分子機制。新藥的治療活性將在細胞/動物模型(IPF 細胞/肺纖維化小鼠肺切片)實驗中進行探討。
2. 肝炎病毒 (Hepatitis virus): 我們的研究在於探討肝炎病毒之生活史及其致病機轉,希望透過對這些病毒之瞭解,能開發治療肝炎病毒之新藥。B型肝炎病毒(HBV)會造成人類肝臟急性或慢性的感染;並伴隨著嚴重的肝臟疾病,例如肝硬化及肝癌。D型肝炎病毒(HDV)會與B型肝炎病毒(HBV)共同感染(co-infection)或重疊感染(super-infection),引起嚴重的慢性肝炎,甚至猛爆性肝炎。我們希望瞭解在B型及D型肝炎病毒感染初期,研究宿主細胞運輸作用參與在B型及D型肝炎病毒生活史中的功能角色,進一步,我們也將研究B型及D型肝炎病毒在宿主細胞上的受體NTCP蛋白與病毒之間的作用關係。透過這個研究,除了有助於B型及D型肝炎病毒致病機轉的了解之外,並且可作為病毒藥物開發的模式。
3. 脂肪肝(Fatty liver disease)/代謝症候群(Metabolic syndrome): 目前已知肥胖和胰島素失調與許多疾病間存在關聯性,例如心血管疾病、第二型糖尿病、脂肪肝等等,這類疾病常涉及脂類代謝異常或醣類代謝異常。舉例而言,脂肪肝屬於非酒精性脂肪肝疾病的初始階段,是一種現代人常見的代謝症狀,主要是由脂質代謝失衡所造成。目前已有為數不少的臨床經驗顯示,脂肪肝會導致肝硬化,並且伴隨著脂肪性肝炎及肝壞死等問題的發生。我們的研究在於發展新藥在治療代謝疾病之用途,利用疾病小鼠之模型,希望可以改善多種新陳代謝疾病。
4. 益生菌與腸道菌相(Healthy Food and Gut Microbiota): 益生菌或健康食品針對腸道菌相之影響,透過健康食品來穩定有益於宿主代謝的腸道菌叢生態,此機制將可證明健康食品是否為好的益生質,可應用於肥胖及相關代謝疾病的治療或預防。本實驗室希望瞭解健康食品對抗脂肪肝/代謝症候群的機制,並配合其低毒性之特性,將有助於評價健康食品作為脂肪肝治療與降低血脂血糖的可能性,可以作為將來開發植物新藥的基礎。另外,我們也將掌握健康食品具有抑制脂肪肝及肥胖效果的成份,改善腸道菌相的關鍵方法,完成效果驗證; 也將利用我們建立的腸道菌相分析平台,積極發展健康食品或中草藥之治療疾病導向的微生物群系技術。
1. Idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis (IPF) is a progressive inflammatory disorder driven by a fibrotic cascade in the lungs in a sequential manner. IPF incidences were raising rapidly across the world. Recently, most severe COVID-19 patients develop hyper-inflammation and pneumonia. The major risk factors for severe COVID-19 are shared with IPF, namely increasing age, male sex, and comorbidities such as hypertension and diabetes. However, the role of antifibrotic therapy in patients with IPF is poorly defined. FDA approved pirfenidone and nintedanib (tyrosine kinase inhibitors) are being used as a first-line treatment drugs for IPF, however, neither the quality of life nor survival rates have been improved because of multiple side effects. Thus, the development of novel therapeutic approaches targeting TGF-β mediated cascade of fibrotic events is urgently needed to improve the survival of the patients.The aim of our lab is to investigate and validate the anti-fibrotic properties of novel drugs against TGF-β mediated fibrosis in in vitro and in vivo models and to determine the molecular mechanisms that mediate these anti-fibrotic effects.
2. Hepatitis B virus (HBV) causes acute and chronic infections in humans; such infections are often associated with severe liver diseases, including cirrhosis and hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC). Hepatitis delta virus (HDV) causes fulminant hepatitis and progressive chronic liver cirrhosis in patients superinfected or coinfected with HBV. We examined the roles of clathrin-mediated trafficking pathway involved in the life cycle of HBV/HDV. In addition, the receptor on the plasma membrane which is required for the infection of HBV/HDV is NTCP. We have established HBV/HDV infection model in vitro and in vivo. Our model will help us to develop new drugs for treatment of HBV/HDV infection. Our study suggests new strategies for manipulating HBV/HDV for therapeutic purposes in treating disorders associated with liver injury and cirrhosis.
3. Fatty liver and metabolic syndrome: Obesity and dysregulated insulin action in the liver are strongly associated and are currently a worldwide health problem. Fatty liver, the initial stage of nonalcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD), is a common metabolic symptom, and is caused by an imbalance of lipid metabolism. The purpose of our proposal is to develop drugs for metabolic syndrome. We will design a process of pharmacology experiments for development of new drugs. In addition, we will complete additional safety evaluation for new drugs.
4. Healthy Food and Gut Microbiota: The biological activity of healthy food or herbal medicines to affected the gut microbiota. The gut microbiota is correlated to host metabolism, and healthy food or herbal medicines will be proved to be a good prebiotics. Therefore, we try to understand the mechanism of healthy food or herbal medicines against fatty liver, and with its low toxicity and non-mutagenic nature, it will help to evaluate the possibility of healthy food or herbal medicines to be developed as new botanical drugs. In addition, we will also grasp the key ingredients of healthy food or herbal medicines that have the effect on inhibiting fatty liver and obesity, and improve the gut microbiota. The gut microbiota analysis platform will be further used as the technology to evaluate healthy food or traditional Chinese herbal medicines for the treatment of diseases.
2024 |
博士生邱韋中榮獲第38屆生物醫學聯合學術年會–藥理學會李天德壁報論文–優等獎 |
2024 |
碩士生紀棨翔 榮獲第38屆生物醫學聯合學術年會–臨床生化學會口頭論文–第二名 |
2024 |
碩士生張芮瑄 榮獲第38屆生物醫學聯合學術年會–生理學會李天德壁報論文–優等獎 |
2023 |
博士生邱韋中 榮獲112學年度國立陽明交通大學「學生優良研究成果獎」 |
2023 |
博士生邱韋中 榮獲111學年度國立陽明交通大學學術論文研討會英語口頭報告 優勝獎 |
2023 |
博士生邱韋中 榮獲111學年度國立陽明交通大學學術論文研討會壁報競賽 佳作獎 |
2023 |
碩士生夏子嵐 榮獲111學年度國立陽明交通大學學術論文研討會英語口頭報告 佳作獎 |
2023 |
碩士生夏子嵐 榮獲111學年度國立陽明交通大學學術論文研討會壁報競賽 佳作獎 |
2023 |
博士生邱韋中 榮獲111學年度「陽明交通大學博士班優良論文獎學金」入圍獎 |
2023 |
碩士生夏子嵐 榮獲第37屆生物醫學聯合學術年會–臨床生化學會口頭論文競賽第二名 |
2022 |
博士生邱韋中 榮獲111學年度國立陽明交通大學「學生優良研究成果獎」 |
2022 |
碩士生俞昊佑 榮獲精準醫學–精準篩檢診斷及治療學術研討會–學術論文比賽–佳作獎 |
2022 |
博士生邱韋中 榮獲111-115學年度國科會「培育優秀博士生獎學金」 |
2022 |
大專生林品菘 榮獲110年度科技部「大專學生研究計畫研究創作獎」 |
2022 |
碩士生范雅淇 陽明醫技所論文比賽–第二名 |
2022 |
碩士生蔡育林 陽明醫技所論文比賽–最佳人氣獎 |
2022 |
碩士生范雅淇 36屆生物醫學聯合學術年會–臨床藥理學會論文優勝獎 |
2022 |
博士生邱韋中 36屆生物醫學聯合學術年會–臨床生化學會論文優勝獎 |
2021 |
大專生林品菘 榮獲科技部大專生專題研究計畫 |
2021 |
碩士生俞昊佑 2021營運計畫構想書評比競賽–團隊佳作獎及最佳人氣獎 |
2021 |
碩士生呂翊萱 陽明醫技所尹珣若論文比賽–入圍獎 |
2021 |
碩士生楊昕宜 陽明醫技所論文比賽–第三名 |
2020 |
碩士生賴威翰 2020年台加全穀豆類營養保健與創新加工國際研討會–論文競賽第二名 |
2020 |
碩士生黃昕 陽明大學2020年學術論文比賽–優等獎 |
2020 |
碩士生田筱萱 陽明大學2020年學術論文比賽–佳作獎 |
2020 |
大專生許珮甄 榮獲科技部大專生專題研究計畫 |
2020 |
碩士生黃昕 陽明醫技所論文比賽–第二名 |
2020 |
碩士生田筱萱 The ICBC |
2019 |
大專生陳柏辛 榮獲科技部大專生專題研究計畫 |
2019 |
大專生范雅淇 榮獲科技部大專生專題研究計畫 |
2019 |
碩士生江豪和田筱萱 2019年穀物國際研討會海報論文競賽–第一名金獎 |
2019 |
碩士生江 豪 陽明大學2019年學術論文比賽–優等獎 |
2019 |
碩士生江 豪 陽明醫技所尹珣若論文比賽–入圍獎 |
2019 |
碩士生江 豪 陽明醫技所論文比賽–第一名 |
2018 |
大專生田筱萱 榮獲科技部大專生專題研究計畫 |
1. Tai-Jung Lu, Wei-Chung Chiou, Hsiu-Chen Huang, Heng-Chih Pan, Chiao-Yin Sun, Tzong-Der Way and Cheng Huang* (2024) Modulation of gut microbiota by crude gac aril polysaccharides ameliorates diet-induced obesity and metabolic disorders. International Journal of Biological Macromolecules. 13:133164. (* Corresponding author) (IF=8.2; POLYMER SCIENCE, 5/86, 5.8%)
2. Wei-Chung Chiou, Yi-Syuan Lyu, Tzu-Lan Hsia, Jui-Chieh Chen, Lie-Chwen Lin, Ming-Fu Chang, Meng-Shiuan Hsu, and Cheng Huang* (2024) Ergosterol peroxide blocks HDV infection as a novel entry inhibitor by targeting human NTCP receptor. Biomedicine & Pharmacotherapy. 170, 116077 (* Corresponding author) (IF=7.5; PHARMACOLOGY & PHARMACY, 22/278, 7.9%)
3. Ming-Shan Chen, Zhi-Yong Chong, Cheng Huang, Hsiu-Chen Huang, Pin-Hsuan Su, Jui-Chieh Chen. (2024) Lidocaine attenuates TMZ resistance and inhibits cell migration by modulating the MET pathway in glioblastoma cells. Oncology Reports. 51(5):72.
4. Wei-Chung Chiou, Guan-Jhong Huang, Tein-Yao Chang, Tzu-Lan Hsia, Hao-You Yu, Jir-Mehng Lo, Pin-Kuei Fu, and Cheng Huang* (2023) Ovatodiolide inhibits SARS-CoV-2 replication and ameliorates pulmonary fibrosis through suppression of the TGF-β/TβRs signaling pathway. Biomedicine & Pharmacotherapy. 161, 114481 (* Corresponding author) (IF=7.5; PHARMACOLOGY & PHARMACY, 22/278, 7.9%)
5. Cheng Huang, Zi-Jun Lin, Jui-Chieh Chen, Hao-Jun Zheng, Yu-Heng Lai, Hsiu-Chen Huang (2023) α-viniferin induced apoptosis through downregulation of SIRT1 in non-small cell lung cancer NCI-H460 cells in vitro and in vivo. Pharmaceuticals. 16: 727 (First author) (IF=4.6; PHARMACOLOGY & PHARMACY, 72/277, 25.8%)
6. Jen-Tsung Yang, I-Neng Lee, Cheng Huang, Hsiu-Chen Huang, Yu-Ping Wu, Zhi-Yong Chong, Jui-Chieh Chen (2023) ADAM17 confers temozolomide resistance in human glioblastoma cells and miR-145 regulates its expression. International Journal of Molecular Sciences. 24(9):7703
7. Jui-Chieh Chen, Hsun-Chang Shih, Chih-Yang Lin, Jeng-Hung Guo, Cheng Huang, Hsiu-Chen Huang, Zhi-Yong Chong, Chih-Hsin Tang (2023) MicroRNA-631 resensitizes doxorubicin-resistant chondrosarcoma cells by targeting apelin. International Journal of Molecular Sciences. 24: 839
8. Wei-Chung Chiou, Wei-Han Lai, Yu-Lin Cai, Meng-Lun Du, Hsi-Mei Lai, Jui-Chieh Chen, Hsiu-Chen Huang, Hui-Kang Liu, and Cheng Huang* (2022) Gut microbiota-directed intervention with high-amylose maize ameliorates metabolic dysfunction in diet-induced obese mice. Food & Function. 13, 9481-9495. (* Corresponding author) (IF=6.1; FOOD SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY, 22/142, 15.1%)
9. Wei-Chung Chiou, Hsu-Feng Lu, Jui-Chieh Chen, Yu-Heng Lai, Ming-Fu Chang, Yuan-Li Huang, Ni Tien, and Cheng Huang* (2022) Identification of a novel interaction site between the large hepatitis delta antigen and clathrin that regulates the assembly of genotype III hepatitis delta virus. Virology Journal. 19(1):163. (* Corresponding author) (IF=4.8; VIROLOGY, 14/36, 37.5%)
10. Wei-Chung Chiou, Cheng Huang*, Zi–Jun Lin, Lian-Sheng Hong, Yu-Heng Lai, Jui-Chieh Chen, and Hsiu-Chen Huang. (2022) ε-Viniferin and α-viniferin inhibited TGF-β1-induced epithelial-mesenchymal transition, migration and invasion in lung cancer cells through downregulation of vimentin expression. Nutrients. 14, 2294. (*Equal contribution) (IF=5.9; NUTRITION & DIETETICS, 17/88, 18.7%)
11. Ashish Rao Sathyanarayana, Chung-Kuang Lu, Chih-Chuang Liaw, Chia-Chuan Chang, Hsin-Ying Han, Brian D. Green, Wei-Jan Huang, Cheng Huang, Wen-Di He, Lin-Chien Lee, and Hui-Kang Liu. (2022) 1,2,3,4,6-Penta-O-galloyl-D-glucose Interrupts the Early Adipocyte Lifecycle and Attenuates Adiposity and Hepatic Steatosis in Mice with Diet-Induced Obesity. International Journal of Molecular Sciences. 23: 4052
12. Ting-Chen Chang, Wei-Chung Chiou, Wei-Han Lai, Hsiu-Chen Huang, Yu-Ling Huang, Hui-Kang Liu, Yu-Chih Liang, and Cheng Huang*. (2021) Ugonin J improves metabolic disorder and ameliorates nonalcoholic fatty liver disease by regulating the AMPK/AKT signaling pathway. Pharmacological Research. 163: 105298 (* Corresponding author) (IF=9.3; PHARMACOLOGY & PHARMACY, 15/277, 5.2%)
13. Hsing Huang, Hsiu-Chen Huang, Wei-Chung Chiou, Lie-Chwen Lin, Jui-Chieh Chen, Hui-Kang Liu, Yu-Heng Lai, and Cheng Huang*. (2021) Ergosterol peroxide inhibits HBV infection by inhibiting the binding of the pre-S1 domain of LHBsAg to NTCP. Antiviral Research. 195: 105184 (* Corresponding author) (IF=7.6; PHARMACOLOGY & PHARMACY, 20/277, 7.0%)
14. Wei-Chung Chiou, Bei-Hau Chang, Hsiao-Hsuan Tien, Yu-Lin Cai, Ya-Chi Fan, Wei-Jen Chen, Hui-Fang Chu, Yu-Hsin Chen and Cheng Huang*. (2021) Synbiotic intervention with an adlay-based prebiotic and probiotics improved diet-induced metabolic disturbance in mice by modulation of the gut microbiota. Nutrients. 13: 3161 (* Corresponding author) (IF=5.9; NUTRITION & DIETETICS, 17/88, 18.7%)
15. Wei-Chung Chiou, Hsu-Feng Lu, Nung-Yu Hsu, Tein-Yao Chang, Yuan-Fan Chin, Ping-Cheng Liu, Jir-Mehng Lo, Yeh B Wu, Jinn-Moon Yang and Cheng Huang*. (2021) Ugonin J acts as a SARS-CoV-2 3C-like protease inhibitor and exhibits anti-inflammatory properties. Frontiers in Pharmacology. 12: 720018 (* Corresponding author) (IF=5.6; PHARMACOLOGY & PHARMACY, 45/277, 17.9%)
16. Hsiu-Chen Huang, Chiung-Ju Chen, Yu-Heng Lai, Yu-Chun Lin, Wei-Chung Chiou, Hsu-Feng Lu, Ying-Fang Chen, Yu-Hsin Chen, and Cheng Huang*. (2021) Momordica cochinchinensis Aril Ameliorates Diet-induced Metabolic Dysfunction and Nonalcoholic Fatty Liver by Modulating Gut Microbiota. International Journal of Molecular Sciences. 22(5): 2640-2650 (* Corresponding author) (IF=5.6; BIOCHEMISTRY&MOLECULAR BIOLOGY, 66/285, 23%)
17. Wei-Chung Chiou, Meng-Shiuan Hsu, Yun-Ti Chen, Jinn-Moon Yang, Yeou-Guang Tsay, Hsiu-Chen Huang, and Cheng Huang*. (2021) Repurposing existing drugs: identification of SARS-CoV-2 3C-like protease inhibitors. Journal of Enzyme Inhibition and Medicinal Chemistry. 36: 147-153 (* Corresponding author) (IF=5.6; CHEMISTRY, MEDICINAL, 11/60, 17.5%)
18. Cheng Huang*, Zi Jun Lin, Cheng-Ju Lee, Wei-Han Lai, Jui-Chieh Chen, and Hsiu-Chen Huang. (2021) e-Viniferin and a-viniferin alone or in combination induced apoptosis in osteosarcoma and non-small cell lung cancer cells. Food and Chemical Toxicology. 158: 112617 (First author) (IF=4.3; TOXICOLOGY, 20/94, 20.7%)
19. Semon Wu, Cheng Huang, You-Ren Chen, Hsiu-Chen Huang, Wen-Cheng Huang, Yu-Heng Lai. (2021) Momordica charantia leaf extract reduces hepatic lipid accumulation and diet-induced dyslipidemia in zebrafish through lipogenesis and beta-oxidation. Journal of Functional Foods. 87: 104857.
20. I-Neng Lee, Jen-Tsung Yang, Cheng Huang, Hsiu-Chen Huang, Yu-Ping Wu, and Jui-Chieh Chen. (2021) Elevated XRCC5 expression can promote temozolomide resistance and predict poor prognosis in glioblastoma. Oncology Letters. 21(6):443.
21. Hao Chiang, Jinq-Chyi Lee, Hsiu-Chen Huang, Hsing Huang, Hui-Kang Liu, and Cheng Huang*. (2020) Delayed intervention with a novel SGLT2 inhibitor NGI001 suppresses diet-induced metabolic dysfunction and nonalcoholic fatty liver disease in mice. British Journal of Pharmacology. 177: 239-253. (* Corresponding author) (IF=7.3; PHARMACOLOGY & PHARMACY, 25/277, 8.8%)
22. Hsu-Feng Lu, Yu-Heng Lai, Hsiu-Chen Huang, I-Jung Lee, Lie-Chwen Lin, Hui-Kang Liu, Hsiao-Hsuan Tien, and Cheng Huang*. (2020) Ginseng-plus-Bai-Hu-Tang ameliorates diet-induced obesity, hepatic steatosis and insulin resistance in mice. Journal of Ginseng Research. 44: 238-246 (* Corresponding author) (IF=6.3; INTEGRATIVE & COMPLEMENTARY MEDICINE, 2/28, 7.1%)
23. Wei-Chung Chiou, Jui-Chieh Chen, Yun-Ti Chen, Jinn-Moon Yang, Lih-Hwa Hwang, Yi-Shuan Lyu, Hsin-Yi Yang, Cheng Huang*. (2020) The inhibitory effects of PGG and EGCG against the SARS-CoV-2 3C-like protease. Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications. 591: 130-136 A highly cited paper from Web of Science. (* Corresponding author) (IF=3.1; BIOPHYSICS, 33/70, 46.4%)
24. Yu-Chun Lin, Hsu-Feng Lu, Jui-Chieh Chen, Hsiu-Chen Huang, Yu-Hsin Chen, Yen-Shuo Su, Chien-Yi Tung, Cheng Huang*. (2020) Purple-leaf Tea (Camellia sinensis L.) Ameliorates High-fat Diet Induced Obesity and Metabolic Disorder through the Modulation of the Gut Microbiota in Mice. BMC Complementary Medicine and Therapies. 20: 376-387 (* Corresponding author) (IF=3.9; INTEGRATIVE & COMPLEMENTARY MEDICINE, 9/28, 30.4%)
25. Hao Chiang, Hsu-Feng Lu, Jui-Chieh Chen, Yu-Hsin Chen, Hsi-Tai Sun, Hsiu-Chen Huang, Hsiao-Hsuan Tien, and Cheng Huang*. (2020) Adlay Seed (Coix lacryma-jobi L.) Extracts Exhibit a Prophylactic Effect on Diet-Induced Metabolic Dysfunction and Nonalcoholic Fatty Liver Disease in Mice. Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine. 2020:9519625. doi: 10.1155/2020/9519625. (* Corresponding author) (IF=2.650; INTEGRATIVE & COMPLEMENTARY MEDICINE, 16/30, 53.3%)
26. Ting-Chen Chang, Hao Chiang, Yu-Heng Lai, Yu-Ling Huang, Hsiu-Chen Huang, Yu-Chih Liang, Hui-Kang Liu, and Cheng Huang*. (2019) Helminthostachys zeylanica alleviates hepatic steatosis and insulin resistance in diet-induced obese mice. BMC Complementary Medicine and Therapies. 19: 368-378 (* Corresponding author) (IF=3.9; INTEGRATIVE & COMPLEMENTARY MEDICINE, 9/28, 30.4%)
27. Cheng Huang, Hsu-Feng Lu, Yu-Hsuan Chen, Jui-Chieh Chen, Wen-Hsiang Chou, Hsiu-Chen Huang. (2020) Curcumin, demethoxycurcumin, and bisdemethoxycurcumin induced caspase-dependent and –independent apoptosis via Smad or Akt signaling pathways in HOS cells. BMC Complementary Medicine and Therapies. 20:68-78 (First author) (IF=3.9; INTEGRATIVE & COMPLEMENTARY MEDICINE, 9/28, 30.4%)
28. Ming-Ju Hsieh, Cheng Huang*, Chia-Chieh Lin, Chih-Hsin Tang, Chih-Yang Lin, I-Neng Lee, Hsiu-Chen Huang, and Jui-Chieh Chen. (2019) Basic fibroblast growth factor promotes doxorubicin resistance in chondrosarcoma cells by affecting XRCC5 expression. Molecular Carcinogenesis. 59: 293-303 (*Equal contribution) (IF=4.6; BIOCHEMISTRY & MOLECULAR BIOLOGY, 97/285, 34.8%)
29. Ming‑Ju Hsieh, Yin‑Hong Chen, I‑Neng Lee, Cheng Huang, Yu‑Ju Ku and Jui‑Chieh Chen. (2019) Secreted amphiregulin promotes vincristine resistance in oral squamous cell carcinoma. International Journal of Oncology. 55: 949-959
30. Jui-Chieh Chen, I-Neng Lee, Cheng Huang, Yu-Ping Wu, Chiu-Yen Chung, Ming-Hsueh Lee, Martin Hsiu-Chu Lin, Jen-Tsung Yang. (2019) Valproic acid-induced amphiregulin secretion confers resistance to temozolomide treatment in human glioma cells. BMC Cancer. 19(1):756-760
31. Lie-Chwen Lin, Lin-Chien Lee, Cheng Huang, Chiung-Tong Chen, Jen-Shin Song, Young-Ji Shiao, Hui-Kang Liu. (2019) Effects of Boschnaloside from Boschniakia rossica on dysglycemia and islet dysfunction in severely diabetic mice through modulating the action of glucagon-like peptide-1. Phytomedicine. 62: 152946-152956
32. Cheng Huang, Yu-Ling Huang, Chia-Chi Wang, Yi-Ling Pan, Yu-Heng Lai, and Hsiu-Chen Huang. (2019) Ampelopsin A and ampelopsin C induce apoptosis and metastasis through down-regulating AxL, TYRO3, and FYN expressions in MDA-MB-231 breast cancer cells. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry. 67(10):2818-2830 (First author) (IF=6.1; AGRICULTURE, MULTIDISCIPLINARY, 6/58, 9.5%)
33. Yen-Chang Lin, Cheng Huang*, Hsiu-Chen Huang, Ming-Ting Liao, Yu-HengLai. (2019) Metabolomics profiling of haloperidol and validation of thromboxane-related signaling in the early development of zebrafish. Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications. 513(3):608-615 (*Equal contribution) (IF=3.1; BIOPHYSICS, 33/70, 46.4%)
34. Yu-Chun Lin, Cheng Huang, Hsin-Chih Lai. (2019) Revealing the ultrastructure of the membrane pores of intact Serratia marcescens cells by atomic force microscopy. Heliyon. 5:e02636
35. Jui-Chieh Chen, Cheng Huang, I-Neng Lee, Yu-Ping Wu, Chih-Hsin Tang. (2018) Amphiregulin enhances cell migration and resistance to doxorubicin in chondrosarcoma cells through the MAPK pathway. Molecular Carcinogenesis. 57(12):1816-1824
36. Han-Min Chen, Lin-Chien Lee, Kuang-Yu Hu, Wei-Jern Tsai, Cheng Huang, Hui-Jen Tsay, Hui-Kang Liu. (2018) The Application of Post-Translational Modification Oriented Serum Proteomics to Assess Experimental Diabetes with Complications. PLOS ONE. 13(11):e0206509
37. Yu-Heng Lai, Cheng-Pu Sun, Hsiu-Chen Huang, Jui-Chieh Chen, Hui-Kang Liu and Cheng Huang*. (2018) Epigallocatechin gallate inhibits hepatitis B virus infection in human liver chimeric. BMC Complementary Medicine and Therapies. 18:248-254 (* Corresponding author) (IF=3.9; INTEGRATIVE & COMPLEMENTARY MEDICINE, 9/28, 30.4%)
38. Liu GT, Kung HN, Chen CK, Huang C, Wang YL, Yu CP, Lee CP. (2018) Improving nuclear envelope dynamics by EBV BFRF1 facilitates intranuclear component clearance through autophagy. FASEB Journal. 32(7):3968-3983
39. Hsiu-Chen Huang, Hsu-Feng Lu, Yu-Heng Lai, Chung-Pei Lee, Hui-Kang Liu, and Cheng Huang*. (2018) Tat-enhanced delivery of the C terminus of HDAg-L inhibits assembly and secretion of hepatitis D virus. Antiviral Research. 150:69-78 (* Corresponding author) (IF=7.6; PHARMACOLOGY & PHARMACY, 20/277, 7.0%)
40. Huang HC, Lee CP, Liu HK, Chang MF, Lai YH, Lee YC, Huang C*. (2016) Cellular Nuclear Export Factors TAP and Aly Are Required for HDAg-L-mediated Assembly of Hepatitis Delta Virus. Journal of Biological Chemistry. 291(50):26226-26238. (* Corresponding author) (IF=4.8; BIOCHEMISTRY & MOLECULAR BIOLOGY, 88/285, 30.7%)
41. Tseng TS, Chuang SM, Hsiao NW, Chen YW, Lee YC, Lin CC, Huang C, Tsai KC. (2016) Discovery of a potent cyclooxygenase-2 inhibitor, S4, through docking-based pharmacophore screening, in vivo and in vitro estimations. Molecular Biosystems. 12(8):2541-51. doi: 10.1039/c6mb00229c.
42. Huang C, Wei YX, Shen MC, Tu YH, Wang CC, Huang HC. (2016) Chrysin, Abundant in Morinda citrifolia Fruit Water-EtOAc Extracts, Combined with Apigenin Synergistically Induced Apoptosis and Inhibited Migration in Human Breast and Liver Cancer Cells. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry. 64:4235-45 (First author) (IF=6.1; AGRICULTURE, MULTIDISCIPLINARY, 6/58, 9.5%)
43. Cheng Huang, Chung-Kuang Lu, Ming-Chin Tu, Jia-Hua Chang, Yen-Ju Chen, Yu-Hsuan Tu, and Hsiu Chen Huang. (2016) Polyphenol-rich Avicennia marina leaf extracts induce apoptosis in human breast and liver cancer cells and in a nude mouse xenograft model. Oncotarget. 7(24):35874-35893. doi: 10.18632/oncotarget.8624. (First author)
44. Hui-Kang Liu, Tzu-Min Hung, Hsiu-Chen Huang, I-Jung Lee, Chia-Chuan Chang, Jing-Jy Cheng, Lie-Chwen Lin, and Cheng Huang*. (2015) Bai-Hu-Jia-Ren-Shen-Tang Decoction Reduces Fatty Liver by Activating AMP-activated Protein Kinase In Vitro and In Vivo. Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine. doi:10.1155/2015/651734 (* Corresponding author) (IF=2.650; INTEGRATIVE & COMPLEMENTARY MEDICINE, 16/30, 53.3%)
45. Cheng Huang, Yi-Jing Chen, Wei-Jen Chen, Chih-Li Lin, Yu-Xuan Wei, and Hsiu-Chen Huang. (2015) Combined treatment with chrysin and 1,2,3,4,6-penta-O-galloyl-β-D-glucose synergistically inhibits LRP6 and Skp2 activation in triple-negative breast cancer and xenografts. Molecular carcinogenesis. 54:1613-25 (First author) (IF=4.6; BIOCHEMISTRY & MOLECULAR BIOLOGY, 97/285, 33.9%)
46. Hsiu-Chen Huang, Mi-Hua Tao, Tzu-Min Hung, Jui-Chieh Chen, Zi-Jun Lin, Cheng Huang*. (2014)(-)-Epigallocatechin-3-gallate Inhibits Entry of Hepatitis B Virus into Hepatocytes. Antiviral Research. 111:100-111 (* Corresponding author) (IF=7.6; PHARMACOLOGY & PHARMACY, 20/277, 7.0%)
47. Sheng-Fan Wang, Yueh-Ching Chou, Nirmal Mazumder, Fu-Jen Kao, Leslie D. Nagy, F. Peter Guengerich, Cheng Huang, Hsin-Chen Lee, Ping-Shan Lai, Yune-Fang Ueng. (2013) 7-Ketocholesterol induces P-glycoprotein through PI3K/mTOR signaling in hepatoma cells. Biochemical Pharmacology 86(4):548-60.
48. Huang C, Lee SY, Lin CL, Tu TH, Chen LH, Chen YJ, and Huang HC. (2013) Co-treatment with Quercetin and 1,2,3,4,6-Penta-O-galloyl-β-d-glucose Causes Cell Cycle Arrest and Apoptosis in Human Breast Cancer MDA-MB-231 and AU565 Cells. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry 61: 6430−6445 (First author) (IF=6.1; AGRICULTURE, MULTIDISCIPLINARY, 6/58, 9.5%)
49. Cheng Huang, Jia-Yin Jiang, Shin C. Chang, Yeou-Guang Tsay, Mei-Ru Chen, and Ming-Fu Chang. (2013) NESI Protein Forms Complexes with Lamin A/C-Nups to Mediate the CRM1-Independent Nuclear Export of Large Hepatitis Delta Antigen. Journal of Virology. 87:1596-604 (First author) (IF=5.4; VIROLOGY, 11/36, 29.2%)
50. Pei-Yun Chuang, Cheng Huang, and Hsiu-Chen Huang. (2013) The use of a combination of tamoxifen and doxorubicin synergistically to induce cell cycle arrest in BT483 cells by down-regulating CDK1, CDK2 and cyclin D expression. Journal of Pharmaceutical Technology & Drug Research 2: 1-4
51. Hsiu-Chen Huang, 6-Chi Chen, Wen-Cheng Chang, Mi-Hua Tao, and Cheng Huang*. (2012) Entry of Hepatitis B Virus into Immortalized Human Primary Hepatocytes by Clathrin-Dependent Endocytosis. Journal of Virology. 86:9443-9453 (* Corresponding author) (IF=5.4; VIROLOGY, 11/36, 29.2%)
52. Shih-Han Sun, Hsiu-Chen Huang, Cheng Huang, Jen-Kun Lin. (2012) Cycle arrest and apoptosis in MDA-MB-231/Her2 cells induced by curcumin. European Journal of Pharmacology. 690:22-30
53. Cheng Huang, Shin C. Chang, Hui-Chin Yang, Chung-Liang Chien, and Ming-Fu Chang (2009) Clathrin-mediated post-Golgi trafficking in the morphogenesis of hepatitis delta virus. Journal of Virology. 83:12314-12324 (First author) (IF=5.4; VIROLOGY, 11/36, 29.2%)
54. Tzu-Min Hung, Shin C. Chang, Wei-Hsuan Yu, Yu-Wen Wang, Cheng Huang, Shao-Chun Lu, Po-Huang Lee, and Ming-Fu Chang (2009) A novel nonsynonymous variant of matrix metalloproteinase-7 confers risk of liver cirrhosis. Hepatology. 50:1184-1193
55. Cheng Huang, Shin C. Chang, I-Chen Yu, Yeou-Guang Tsay, and Ming-Fu Chang (2007) Large hepatitis delta antigen is a novel clathrin adaptor-like protein. Journal of Virology. 81:5985-5994. A highlight from journal selection. (First author) (IF=5.4; VIROLOGY, 11/36, 29.2%)
56. Yun-Hsin Wang, Shin C. Chang, Cheng Huang, Ya-Ping Li, Chia-Huei Lee, and Ming-Fu Chang. (2005) Novel nuclear export signal interacting protein, NESI, critical for the assembly of hepatitis delta virus. Journal of Virology. 79:8113-8120
1.具有GLP-1受體調控活性之化合物及其用途/ 發明第I 511963號/ 中華民國專利 (2015)
2.具有GLP-1受體調控活性之化合物及其用途/ ZL 2014 1 0584351.1/ 中國大陸專利 (2017)
3.錫蘭七指蕨、入地蜈蚣素及黃酮類化合物用於治療或預防新陳代謝疾病之用途/ 發明第I 621440號/中華民國專利 (2018)
4.錫蘭七指蕨、入地蜈蚣素及黃酮類化合物用於治療或預防新陳代謝疾病之用途/ I1025-0004-US/ 美國專利 (2019)
5.Compounds and methods for prevention and treatment of coronavirus infections. (U.S. Patent Application Number: 63/071564) (2020)
6.Compounds and methods for prevention and treatment of coronavirus infections. (U.S. Patent Application Number: 63/018690) (2020)
(U.S. Patent Application Number: 63/020127) (2020)