Nowadays, biotechnology in medicine is flourishing. In addition, healthcare system has become elaborately specialized, and the medical laboratory is necessary to the present health care network. Since founded in 1979, Department of Biotechnology and Laboratory Science in Medicine has been dedicated to cultivating high-quality elites in medical laboratory. The course content includes not only traditional medical diagnostic technique, but also particularly focused on basic life sciences, the present biotechnology, genetic engineering, and clinical medicine in our curriculum content. In addition to further study abroad, our alumni also serve in various research institutes, biotech companies or the best hospitals throughout the country, and their research and service achievements have been highly recognized. The Department established the nationwide first master program of Institute of Biotechnology and Laboratory Science in Medicine in 1995, and the following PhD program in 2001. We have professional and outstanding teaching faculty members, and the Institute’s professors also support the Department’s courses. We have all kinds of sophisticated experimental equipment, and there are the best learning environments, including Information Technology Service Center, Audio-Visual Rooms, Laboratory Animal Center, Library, Indoor Sports Fields, etc., for students to make use of.
Aims and Objectives
Undergraduate Program
Our Mission: To uphold the basic educational ideas, to seek knowledge and truth, to put them into practice, and to be benevolent and empathetic, claimed by NYCU. Therefore, we have been dedicated to cultivating knowledgeable, extremely skilled, and moral medical laboratory experts and biomedical researchers, in order to maintain the national health and to promote the development of biomedical industry.

Graduate Program
Our Mission is to cultivate high-quality research elites who have full knowledge and comprehensive concepts of translational medicine. Owing to high performance on research, they can assist the development of biomedical industry.

學制 |
教育目標 |
核心能力 |
Undergraduate Program |
培育優秀臨床醫檢師 |
基礎生醫科學知識及臨床檢驗專業知識與實作能力 |
培育具人文關懷、專業知識及國際視野之生醫科技研究人才 |
博雅及通識教育; 英語能力及國際觀 |
強調醫檢生技、醫學分子診斷等相關領域之學習、推廣創新分子醫學之應用與研究 |
現代醫學生物技術之專業知識及未來研發潛力 |
碩士班 |
培育具有獨立解決問題能力的研究人員 |
蒐集資料、分析資料,邏輯思考,解決實驗問題 |
強化基礎生物技術與產業趨勢之聯結 |
實驗執行、論文撰寫及專業報告之能力,及相關生技產業之研發能力 |
品德之培訓及養成 |
遵守研究學術倫理及生物安全之規範並維護實驗動物之福祉 |
博士班 |
培育具有獨立解決問題及溝通協調整合能力的研究人員 |
蒐集資料、分析資料,邏輯思考,解決實驗問題 |
強調進階生技專業及跨領域知識之學習及應用 |
在感染症、免疫疾病、癌症及中草藥等專業知識及實驗技術 |
提昇外語能力,拓展國際交流及研習 |
英文論文撰寫及英語專業報告之能力、參與國際相關會議並報告研發成果 |
培育當代轉譯醫學及創新創業人才 |
投入實際應用、市場需求與生技創新及創業為核心之生技關鍵技術跨領域研究 |
品德之培訓及養成 |
遵守研究學術倫理及生物安全之規範並維護實驗動物之福祉 |