Yuh-Ching Twu

台北市北投區石牌立農街二段155號 生醫工程館 205室
國立陽明交通大學 醫學生物技術暨檢驗學系
電子郵件: yctwu@nycu.edu.tw
電話: 02-2826-7294 (Office)
02-2826-7000 ext. 65831 (Lab)
台灣大學 生化科學所 博士 (2003.9~2008.1)
陽明大學 醫學生物技術暨檢驗學研究所 碩士 (1997.9~1999.8)
陽明大學 醫學技術學系 學士 (1993.9~1997.6)
台灣大學 生化科學所 博士 (2003.9~2008.1)
陽明大學 醫學生物技術暨檢驗學研究所 碩士 (1997.9~1999.8)
陽明大學 醫學技術學系 學士 (1993.9~1997.6)
副教授 陽明交通大學 醫學生物技檢驗學系(2017.8~2023.7)
助理教授 陽明大學 醫學生物技檢驗學系(2012.8~2017.7)
博士後研究 Terry Fox Laboratory, BC Cancer Agency, Canada (2011.7~2012.7)
博士後研究 Department of Microbiology and Immunology, University of British Columbia, Canada (2008.11~2011.6)
博士後研究 台灣大學 生化科學所 (2008.2~2008.10)
醣化作用 (glycosylation) 為細胞中重要後轉譯修飾,其除了參與蛋白質生合成之外,表現於細胞表面之醣分子與其相對應接受體結合後,可活化下游訊息分子以調控各項生理功能亦或病理變化,如細胞增生、分化、癌化以及免疫監控作用。細胞表面異常醣結構變化為腫瘤細胞和白血病細胞病理變化的重要標誌,稱為tumor-associated carbohydrate antigens (TACAs),如異常高度唾液酸化(hypersialylation) 為消化道腫瘤重要的指標。此表現異常唾液酸化的細胞可藉由與免疫細胞表面相對應醣接受體結合,如sialic acid-binding immunoglobulin-like lectins (Siglecs) 結合,以逃脫免疫細胞之監控作用。我的研究領域包含 (1) 細胞表面醣修飾變化對自然殺手細胞之免疫監控功能影響;和 (2) 醣接受體sialic acid-binding immunoglobulin-like lectins-7 (Siglec-7) 於免疫監控作用的影響和其於 megakaryopoiesis 和 thrombopoiesis 造血過程中的生理功能。
- Huang YF, Su SC, Chuang HY, Chen HH, Twu YC*. 2023. Histone deacetylation-regulated cell surface Siglec-7 expression promoted megakaryocytic maturation and enhanced platelet-like particle release. Journal of Thrombosis and Haemostasis 21: 329-343
- 林媽利(總校閱),朱正中,朱芳業,李俊億,余榮熾,何國維,林冠州,林惠淑,林尊湄,洪英聖,孫建峰,涂玉青,張小琳,張志昇,張建國,張鳳娟,陳定平,陳淑惠,陳瀅如,程仁偉, 黃仰仰,楊孟樺,楊國梁, 萬祥麟,葉庭吉,詹詠絮,劉大智, 黎蕾,闕宗熙, 羅仕錡. 2023. 輸血醫學(第六版)五南出版社
- Yeh YL, Tsao NT, Twu YC*. 2023. Siglec-7 status modulates memory-like cytotoxicity in leukemia-primed human natural killer cells. J Biomed Lab Sci 35: 56-63
- Lin WC, Lin CC, Lin YY, Yang WH, Twu YC, Teng HW, Hwang WL*. 2022. Molecular actions of exosomes and their theragnostic in colorectal cancer: current findings and limitation. Cellular Oncology 45: 1043-1052
- Wu IW, Wu YL, Yang HY, Hsu CK, Chang LC, Twu YC, Chang YL, Chung WH, Yang CW, Hsieh WP, and Su SC*. 2022. Deep immune profiling of patients with renal impairment unveils distinct immunophenotypes associated with disease severity. Clinical Kidney Journal
- Wu YX, Lu HF, Lin YH, Chuang HY, Su SC*, Liao YJ*, Twu YC*. 2021. Branched I antigen regulated cell susceptibility against natural killer cell cytotoxicity through its N-linked glycosylation and overall expression. Glycobiology 31: 624-635
- 余榮熾, 王昌玲, 朱正中, 朱志芬, 朱芳業, 何國維, 林冠州, 林媽利, 涂玉青, 張小琳, 張鳳娟, 陳定平, 陳冀寬, 陳瀅如, 陸中衡, 黃仰仰, 楊孟樺, 萬祥麟, 詹詠絮, 蔡欣怡, 黎蕾, 羅仕錡. 2021. 輸血醫學 (第五版) 五南出版社
- Lee CY, Suk FM, Twu YC and Liao YJ*. 2020. Long-term exposure to low-dose Di-(2-ethylhexyl) phthalate impairs cholesterol metabolism in hepatic stella cells and exacerbates liver librosis. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 17: 3802
- Huang HT, Su SC, Chiou TJ, Lin YH, Shih YJ, Wu YX, Fan TH, and Twu TC*. DNA methylation-mediated Siglec-7 regulation in natural killer cells via two 5’ promoter CpG sites. Immunology 160: 38-51
- Wang YH, Suk FM, Liu CL, Chen TL, Twu YC*, Hsu MH*, Liao YJ*. 2020. Antifibrotic effects of a barbituric acid derivative on liver fibrosis by blocking the NF-KB signaling pathway in hepatic stellate cells. Frontiers in Pharmacology 11: 388
- Wang YH, Liu CL, Chiu WC, Twu YC, Liao YJ*. 2019. HMGCS2 mediates ketone production and regulates the proliferation and metastasis of hepatocellular carcinoma. Cancers 11: 1876
- Huang CH, Liao YJ, Chiou TJ, Huang HT, Lin YH, Twu YC*. 2019. TGF-b regulated leukemia cell susceptibility against NK targeting through the down-regulation of the CD48 expression. Immunobiology 224: 649-658
- Wang YH, Twu YC, Wang CK, Lin FZ, Lee CY, and Liao YJ*. 2018. Niemann-Pick Type C2 protein regulates free cholesterol accumulation and influences hepatic stellate cell proliferation and mitochondrial respiration function. International Journal of Molecular Sciences 19
- Yeh CC, Chang CJ, Twu YC, Chu CC, Liu BS, Huang JT, Hung ST, Chan YS, Tsai YJ, Lin SW, Lin M, and Yu LC*. 2018. The molecular genetic background leading to formation of the human erythroid-specific Xga/CD99 blood groups. Blood Advances 2: 1854-1864
- Huang CH, Liao YJ, Fan TH, Chiou TJ, Lin YH, Twu YC*. 2018. A developed NK-92MI cell line with Siglec-7neg phenotype exhibits high and sustainable cytotoxicity against leukemia cells. International Journal of Molecular Sciences 19
- Yeh CC, Chang CJ, Twu YC, Hung ST, Tsai YJ, Liao JC, Huang JT, Kao YH, Lin SW, Yu LC* The differential expression of the blood group P1–A4GALT and P2–A4GALT alleles is stimulated by the transcription factor early growth response 1. Transfusion 58: 1054-1064
- Lee YH, Liao YJ, Huang CH, Chang FL, Fan TH, and Twu YC*. Branched I antigens on leukemia cells enhanced sensitivity against NK cytotoxicity through affecting the target-effector interaction. Transfusion 57: 1040-1051
- Hsu MH, Hsu SM, Kuo YC, Liu CY, Hsieh CY, Twu YC, Wang CK, Wang YH, Liao YJ*. 2017. Treatment with low-dose sorafenib in combination with a novel benzimidazole derivative bearing a pyrolidine side chain provides synergistic anti-proliferative effects against human liver cancer. RSC Advances 7: 16253-16263
- Liao YJ, Lee YH, Chang FL, Ho H, Huang CH, and Twu YC*. 2016. The SHP-2-ERK2 signaling pathway regulates branched I antigen formation by controlling the binding of C/EBPa to the IGnTC promoter region during erythroid differentiation. Transfusion 56: 2691-2702
- Liao YJ, Lee TS, Twu YC, Hsu SM, Yang CP, Wang CK, Liang YC and Chen YM*. 2016 Glycine N-methyltransferase deficiency in female mice impairs insulin signaling and promotes glconeogenesis by modulating the PI3K/Akt pathway in the liver. Journal of Biomedical Science 23: 69-
- Twu YC, Lee TS, Lin YL, Hsu SM, Wang YH, Liao CY, Wang CK, Liang YC and Liao YJ*. 2016. Niemann-Pick type C2 protein mediates hepatic stellate cells activation by regulating free cholesterol accumulation. International Journal of Molecular Science 17: 1-12
- Twu YC*, Teh HS. 2014. The ThPOK transcription factor differentially affects the development and function of self-specific CD8+ T cells and regulatory CD4+ T cells. Immunology 141:431-445
- Twu YC, Gold MR, Teh HS*. 2011. TNFR1 delivers pro-survival signals that are required for limiting TNFR2-dependent activation-induced cell death (AICD) in CD8(+) T cells. European Journal of Immunology 41: 335- 344
- Twu YC, Hsieh CY, Lin M, Tzeng CH, Sun CF, Yu LC*. 2010. Phosphorylation status of transcription factor C/EBPalpha determines cell-surface poly-LacNAc branching (I antigen) formation in erythropoiesis and granulopoiesis. Blood 115: 2491-2499
- Wang HR, Hsieh CY, Twu YC, Yu LC*. 2008. Expression of the human Sd(a) beta-1,4-N- acetylgalactosaminyltransferase II gene is dependent on the promoter methylation status. Glycobiology 18: 104-113
- Twu YC, Chen CP, Hsieh CY, Tzeng CH, Sun CF, Wang SH, Chang MS, Yu LC*. 2007. I branching formation in erythroid differentiation is regulated by transcription factor C/EBPalpha. Blood 110: 4526-4534
- Twu YC, Hsieh CY, Yu LC*. 2006. Expression of the histo-blood group B gene predominates in AB- genotype cells. Transfusion 46: 1988-1996
- Lin M, Hou MJ, Twu YC, Yu LC. 2005. A novel A allele with 664G>A mutation identified in a family with the Am phenotype. Transfusion 45: 63-69
- Yu LC, Twu YC, Chou ML, Reid ME, Gray AR, Moulds JM, Chang CY, Lin M*. 2003. The molecular genetics of the human I locus and molecular background explain the partial association of the adult i phenotype with congenital cataracts. Blood 101: 2081-2088
- Twu YC, Chou ML, Yu LC*. 2003. The molecular genetics of the mouse I beta-1,6-N- acetylglucosaminyltransferase locus. Biochemical Biophysical Research Communications 303: 868-876
- Sun CF, Yu LC, Chen IP, Chou DL, Twu YC, Wang WT, Lin M*. 2003. Molecular genetic analysis for the Ae1 and A3 alleles. Transfusion 43: 1138-1144
- Yu LC, Twu YC, Chou ML, Chang CY, Wu CY, Lin M*. 2002. Molecular genetic analysis for the B(3) allele. Blood 100: 1490-2
- Yu LC, Twu YC, Chang CY, Lin M*. 2001. Molecular basis of the Kell-null phenotype: a mutation at the splice site of human KEL gene abolishes the expression of Kell blood group antigens. Journal of Biological Chemistry 276: 10247-10252
- Yu LC, Twu YC, Chang CY, Lin M*. 2001. Molecular basis of the adult i phenotype and the gene responsible for the expression of the human blood group I antigen. Blood 98: 3840-3845
- Yu LC, Chu CC, Chan YS, Chang CY, Twu YC, Lee HL, Lin M*. 2001. Polymorphism and distribution of the Secretor alpha (1,2)-fucosyltransferase gene in various Taiwanese populations. Transfusion 41: 1279-1284
- Yu LC, Chang CY, Twu YC, Lin M*. 2000. Human histo-blood group ABO glycosyltransferase genes: different enhancer structures with different transcriptional activities. Biochemical Biophysical Research Communications 273: 459-466
- Hsu HY*, Twu YC. Tumor necrosis factor-alpha-mediated protein kinases in regulation of scavenger receptor and foam cell formation on macrophage. Journal of Biological Chemistry 275: 41035-41048