
5.收件地址:112北市北投區立農街2段155號 (應徵專任教師)
國立陽明交通大學醫學生物技術暨檢驗學系 新聘遴選委員會收
7.承辦人電話:02-2826-7000分機65319 傳真:02-28264092
E-mail: cftsai2@nycu.edu.tw 蔡助教
Institution: National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University
Department: Biotechnology and Laboratory Science in Medicine
Location: Taipei, Taiwan
Rank/Title: Assistant Professor or above
Type: Full Time
Position Summary: Our department invites applications for full-time positions at the AssistantProfessor or above level. The successful candidates will be engaged in independent researchjoining/establishing collaborative research, and participating undergraduate and graduateteaching of basic or professional courses.
Minimum Qualifications: Ph.D. in biomedical sciences with at least two years of postdoctoral industrial research experience.
Deadline: Applications will be reviewed until the position is filled.
To apply: Please email your cover letter, curriculum vitae, statements of research and teachinplans, and contact information for three professional references (reference letters will berequested for further processing of application) to cftsai2@nycu.edu.tw. Correspondence mayalso be addressed to Dr. Jason Huang jasonhuang@nycu.edu.tw