Yih-Hsin Chang

☏ 02-2826-7000
ext 65836(Lab)/67955 (Office)
〒 Department of Biotechnology and Laboratory Science in Medicine, National Yang Ming University, No. 155, Sec. 2, Linong St., Beitou District, Taipei City 112, Taiwan
1991 – 1996: 國立陽明大學微生物及免疫研究所博士
1986 – 1990: 高雄醫學大學醫學技術學系學士
國際生物醫學實驗科學聯合會 | 國際生物醫學實驗科學期刊 | 執行編輯 |
英國伯明翰城市大學 | 生物醫學科學教育學院 | 訪問學者 |
美國臨床病理學會 | 南亞/太平洋地區 | 首席大使 |
美國臨床病理學會 | 台灣地區諮詢委員會 | 執行祕書 |
法國卡相師範學院 | Erasmus Mundu | 訪問學者 |
Encole Normale Supreme du Cachan | 歐盟國際聯合碩士課程 | |
教育部 | 技術學院改名科技大學訪視 | 訪視委員 |
考選部 | 醫事檢驗師國家檢覈考試 | 典試委員/命題委員 |
考試院 | 公務人員高等考試/普通考試 | 命題/閱卷委員 |
高等教育評鑑中心 | 大學校院系所評鑑 | 評鑑委員 |
台灣檢驗及品保協會 | 理事 | |
台灣醫事檢驗學會 | 理事/監事 | |
陽明大學 | 醫學生物技術暨檢驗學系 | 教授/系主任 |
中山醫學大學 | 醫學檢驗暨生物技術學系 | 教授/系主任 |
中山醫學大學 | 醫學檢驗暨生物技術學系 | 副教授/系主任 |
中山醫學大學 | 醫學檢驗暨生物技術學系 | 副教授 |
中台科技大學 | 醫事技術學系 | 副教授 |
元培科技大學 | 醫事技術學系 | 副教授 |
中山醫學大學附設醫院 | 檢驗科 | 顧問 |
李綜合醫院 | 檢驗科 | 顧問 |
隨著時代進步、國人緊張的生活步調、工作及家庭等多種壓力因素,許多文明病接踵而來。近年來因生活及飲食習慣之改變,更使得肥胖與”代謝症候群(metabolic syndrome)”成為大眾耳熟能詳的名詞。但是一般大眾對肥胖與代謝症候群的認知遠不如其對人體所造成的嚴重影響:兩者與動脈硬化、糖尿病(diabetes mellitus)、心血管疾病等國人盛行率持續攀升中的疾病有密切的相關性。根據衛生署統計資料,糖尿病除了高居國人第四大死因之外,長期罹病患者更會產生局部甚至全身性併發症,不但造成患者生活品質低落及其家屬的身心負擔,也形成國家社會在福利與健保政策的醫療開支沉重壓力。因此本實驗室投入肥胖、新陳代謝、糖尿病與免疫學之相關研究,希望可經由了解糖尿病與肥胖、代謝症候群和併發症等疾病的關聯性、致病機轉與病程發展,透過更多的研究結果來瞭解肥胖與糖尿病等代謝相關疾病,以研發新穎之診斷治療與因應策略。
- Lin SY, Yang CP, Wang YY, Hsiao CW, Chen WY, Liao SL, Lo YL, Chang YH, Hone CJ, Chen CJ*. Interleukin-4 improves metabolic abnormalities in leptin-deficient and high-fat diet mice. International Journal of Molecular Sciences 2020; 21, 4451; doi:10.3390/ijms21124451.
- Chang YH#, Tsai JN#, Chang SW, Hsu WT, Yang CP, Hsiao CW, Shiau MY*. Regulation of adipogenesis and lipid deposits by collapsin response mediator protein 2. International Journal of Molecular Sciences 2020; 21, 2172; doi:10.3390/ijms21062172.
- Shiau MY, Chuang PH, Yang CP, Hsiao CW, Chang SW, Chang KY, Liu TM, Chen HW, Chuang CC, Yuan SY, and Chang YH*. Mechanism of interleukin-4 reducing lipid deposit by regulating hormone-sensitive lipase. Scientific Reports 2019; 9: Article number: 11974.
- Chang YH#, Tsai JN#, Chen TZ, Ho KT, Cheng HY, Hsiao CW, and Shiau MY*. Interleukin-4 promotes myogenesis and boosts myocyte insulin efficacy. Mediators of Inflammation 2019; 2019: Article ID 4182015.
- Yang CP#, Shiau MY#, Lai YR, Ho KT, Hsiao CW, Chen CJ, Lo YL, and Chang YH*. Anti-inflammatory cytokine interleukin-4 boosts insulin-induced energy deposits by enhancing glucose uptake and lipogenesis in hepatocytes. Oxidative Medicine and Cellular Longevity 2018, Article ID 6923187.
- Shih YL, Lu HF, Hsiao CW, Ho, KT, Chen PC, Huang CN, Chang Y, Kao SJ, Chung PL, Shiau MY, and Chang YH*. Distribution of cytotoxic T lymphocyte-associated antigen-4 promoter polymorphisms in Taiwanese patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus. International Journal of Medical Sciences 2018; 15:395-402.
- Ho KT, Hsia CP, Huang CN, Chang YH*, Lin Y*, Shiau MY*. Association between resistin promoter -420C>G polymorphisms and producing ability with type 2 diabetes mellitus. AIMS Allergy and Immunology 2017; 1: 181-193.
- Shiau MY, Lee PS, Huang YJ, Yang CP, Hsiao CW, Chang KY, Chen HW, Chang YH*. Role of PARL-PINK1-Parkin pathway in adipocyte differentiation. Metabolism 2017; 72: 1-17.
- Meng C, Guo LB, Liu XL*, Chang YH*, Lin Y*. Targeting STAT1 in both cancer and insulin resistance diseases. Current Protein & Peptide Science 2016; 18: 1-8.
- Shiau MY, Lee, MS, Huang TL, Tsai JN, and Chang YH*. Mycobacterial prevalence and antibiotic resistance frequency trends in Taiwan of Mycobacterial clinical isolates from 2002 to 2014. Medicine 2016;95:e2942.
- Shiau MY#, Lu HF#, Chang YH#, Chiu YC and Shih YL. Characterization of proteins regulated by interleukin-4 in 3T3-L1 adipocytes. SpringerPlus 2015;4:242.
- Tsao CH, Shiau MY, Chuang PH, Chang YH*, Hwang J. Interleukin-4 regulates lipid metabolism by inhibiting adipogenesis and promoting lipolysis. Journal of Lipid Research 2014;55:385-397.
- Shih YL, Ho KT, Tsao CH, Chang YH, Shiau MY, Huang CN, Yang SC. Role of Cytokines in metabolism and type 2 diabetes mellitus. International Journal of Biomedical Laboratory Science 2013;2:1-6.
- Shiau MY, Fan LC, Yang SC, Tsao CH, Lee H, Cheng YW, Lai LC, and Chang YH*. Human papillomavirus up-regulates MMP-2 and MMP-9 expression and activity by inducing interleukin-8 in lung adenocarcinomas. PloS One 2013;8:e54423.
- Chang YH, Huang CN and Shiau MY*. Association of IL-4 receptor gene polymorphisms with high density lipoprotein cholesterol. Cytokine 2012;59:309-312.
- Chang YH, Ho KT, Lu SH, Huang CN and Shiau MY#. Regulation of glucose/lipid metabolism and insulin sensitivity by interleukin-4. International Journal of Obesity 2012;36:993-998.
- Chang YH, Fu WM, Wu YH, Yeh CJ, Huang CN, and Shiau MY. Prevalence of methylenetetrahydrofolate reductase C677T and A1298C polymorphisms in Taiwanese patients with type 2 diabetic mellitus. Clinical Biochemistry 44:1370-4, 2011.
- Tsai CF#, Shiau MY, Chang YH#, Wang YL, Huang TL, Liaw YC, Tsao SM, Yang TP, Yang SC, Lin DB*. Trends of mycobacterial clinical isolates in Taiwan. Transactions of the Royal Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene 105:148-52, 2011.
- Chang CC, Chen SC, Tsai CF, Lin JB, Chang YH, Chen CY, Pan LK, Lin DB*. Quantitative evaluation of trace elements in sediments of the Tamsui River via instrumental neutron activation analysis. Journal of the Chinese Chemical Society 2011;58:700-705.
- Tsai CF, Lin DB, Chen SC, Chang YH, Chen CY, Lin JB, and Lin YJ. Seroepidemiology of hepatitis A virus infection among schoolchildren in Taiwan. Journal of Medical Virology 82:196-200, 2011.
- Ho KT#, Shiau MY#, Chang YH#, Chen CM#, Yang SC and Huang CN. Association of IL-4 promoter polymorphisms in Taiwanese patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus. Metabolism 59: 1717-22, 2010.
- Chang YH, Yu CW, Lai LC, Tsao CH, Ho KT, Yang SC, Lee H, Cheng YW, Wu TC, and Shiau MY. Up-regulation of interleukin-17 expressions by human papillomavirus type 16 E6 in non-small cell lung cancer. Cancer 116: 4800-4809, 2010.
- Yang SC#, Chang WJ#, Chang YH#, Tsai TS#, Yang TP, Juan CW, and Shiau MY*. Prevalence of antibiotic resistance and oxa carbapenemases genes in multidrug-resistant Acinetobacter baumannii isolates in central Taiwan. European Journal of Clinical Microbiology & Infectious Diseases 29: 601-604, 2010.
- Lee WY#, Chang YH#, Lo MK, Chang CP, Yang SC, Yang TP, Ho KT, Juan CW, and Shiau MY. Polymorphisms of CTLA-4 and cytokine genes in Taiwanese patients with ankylosing spondylitis. Tissue Antigens 75: 119-126, 2010.
- Chang YH, Huang CN, and Shiau MY. Cytokines, metabolism, and type 2 diabetes mellitus. Journal of Biomedical & Laboratory Sciences 21: 112-118, 2009.
- Lai DS, Lin JB, Chang YH, Lin YJ, Chen CY, Chen SC, Yang SF, Yang CC, Chen WK, Lin DB*. Pediatric reference intervals for several biochemical analysts in school children in central Taiwan. Journal of Medical Association 108: 940-946, 2009.
- Norman PJ, Abi-Rached L, Gendzekhadze K, Hammond JA, Moesta AK, Sharma D, Graef T, McQueen KL, Guethlein LA, Carrington CV, Chandanayingyong D, Chang YH, Crespí C, Saruhan-Direskeneli G, Hameed K, Kamkamidze G, Koram K, Layrisse Z, Matamoros N, Milà J, Park MH, Pitchappan RM, Ramdath D, Shiau MY, Stephens HAF, Struik S, Tyan D, Verity DH, Vaughan RW, Davis RW, Fraser PA, Riley EM, Ronaghi1 M, Parham1 P. Meiotic recombination generates rich diversity in NK cell receptor genes, alleles and haplotypes. Genome Research 19:757-769, 2009.
- Cheng YW, Lee H, Shiau MY, Wu TC, Huang TT, and Chang YH*. Human papillomavirus type 16/18 up-regulates the expression of interleukin-6 and anti-apoptotic mcl-1 in non-small cell lung cancer. Clinical Cancer Research 200814:4705-4712, 2008.
- Chang YH, I-Ling Lin, Tsay GJ, Yang TP, Shiau MY*. Elevated MMP-2 and MMP-9 Levels and activities in patients with rheumatoid arthritis and systemic lupus erythematosus. Clinical Biochemistry 41: 955-959, 2008.
- Norman PJ, Abi-Rached L, Gendzekhadze K, Korbel D, Gleimer M, Rowley D, Bruno D, Carrington CVF, Chandanayingyong D, Chang YH, Crespí C, Saruhan-Direskeneli G, Fraser PA, Hameed K, Kamkamidze G, Koram KA, Layrisse Z, Matamoros N, Milà J, Park MH, Pitchappan RM, Ramdath D, Shiau MY, Stephens HAF, Struik S, Verity DH, Vaughan RW, Tyan D, Davis RW, Riley EM, Ronaghi M, Parham P*. Unusual selection on the KIR3DL1/S1 natural killer cell receptor in Africans. Nature Genetics 39: 1092-1099, 2007.
- Wang L#, Chang YH#, Lee YL, Shih CM, Hsu YT, Shen GH, Haung ML, Shiau MY. Autoantibodies against tumor suppressor gene p53 in pleural effusions of patients with tuberculosis pleurisy. Annals of Clinical Biochemistry 44:57-62, 2007.
- Shiau MY, Lo MK, Chang CP, Yang TP, Ho KT, and Chang YH*. Association of tumor necrosis factor-npromoter polymorphism with ankylosing spondylitis in Taiwan. Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases 66: 562-563, 2007.
- Shiau MY, Huang CN, Yang TP, Hwang YC, Tsai KJ, Chi CJ, Chang YH*. Cytokine promoter polymorphisms in Taiwanese patients with Graves’ disease. Clinical Biochemistry 40:231-217, 2007.
- Shiau MY, Tsai ST, Tsai KJ, Haung ML, HsuYT, Chang YH*. Increased circulatory MMP-2 and MMP-9 levels and activities in patients with type 1 diabetes mellitus. Mount Sinai Journal of Medicine 73:1024-1028, 2006.
- Chang YH, Wang L, Lee MS, Cheng CW, Wu CY, and Shiau MY. Genotypic characterization of Helicobacter pylori cagA and vacA from biopsy specimens of patients with gastroduodenal diseases in Taiwan. Mount Sinai Journal of Medicine 73:622-626, 2006.
- Shiau MY, Huang CN, Wu CY, and Chang YH*. Association of IL-10 A-592C and T-819C polymorphisms with type 2 diabetes mellitus. Human Immunology 66:1258-63, 2005.
- Chu SC, Wang CP, Chang YH, Hsieh YS, Yang SF, Yang CJ, Su JM, Chiou HL*. Elevated cystatin C serum concentrations in patients with hepatic diseases of various severities. Clinica Chimica Acta 341: 133-138, 2004.
- Chang YH*, Shiau MY, Tsai CT, and Micheal S. Lan. Autoantibodies against IA-2, GAD and Topoisomerase II in type 1 diabetes mellitus in Taiwan. Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications 320:802-809, 2004.
- Chang YH, Huang CN, Lee YL, and Shiau MY*. The C-174G promoter polymorphism of the il-6 gene that affects insulin sensitivity in Caucasians is not involved in the pathogenesis of Taiwanese type 2 diabetes mellitus. European Cytokine Network 15: 117-119, 2004.
- Chang YH, Wu CH, Lee YL, Huang PH, Kao YL, and Shiau MY*. Evaluation of NMP22 as a clinical diagnostic marker for bladder cancer. Urology 64: 687-692, 2004.
- Lee YL, Shih CM, Chiou HL, Shiau MY, and Chang YH*. Alteration of p53 autoantibodies in lung cancer patients undergoing chemotherapy. Clinica Chimica Acta 349: 87-96, 2004.
- Shiau MY, Huang CN, Liao JH, and Chang YH*. Missense mutations in the human insulin promoter factor-1 gene are not a common cause of type 2 diabetes mellitus in Taiwanese. Journal of Endocrinological Investigation 27: 1076-80, 2004.
- Shiau MY, Wu CY, Huang CN, Hu SW, Lin SJ, and Chang YH*. Analysis of TNF-a G-238A and G-308A promoter polymorphisms in Taiwanese patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus. Tissue Antigens 61:393-397, 2003.
- Chen QY, Jackson N, Vargas A, Chalew S, Rao J, Batzer M, Lan MS, Chang YH, Mokhashi M, Liu D. Identification of three genomic haplotypes 5’ to the human CD1D gene and their distribution in four ethnic groups. Tissue Antigens 62:442-448, 2003.
- Chang YH, Haung ML, and Shiau MY*. Germline premature-termination mutations of p53 gene in a patient with gastric Leiomyosarcoma. Hungkuang Journal 41: 149-155, 2003.
- Haung ML, Chang YH, Chang YS, and Shiau MY*. Temporal relationship between immune responses against topoisomerase I, topoisomerase II, p53, p16 and p27 and chemotherapeutic efficacy in cancer patients. Hungkuang Journal 42: 39-46, 2003.
- Hsu YT, Chang YH, and Shiau MY*. Absence of anti-p53 antibody in Taiwanese patients with type 1 diabetes mellitus. Hungkuang Journal 42: 47-55, 2003.
- Shiau MY, Kuo TM, Tsai CT , Chiou HL, Lee YL, Lin LF, and Chang YH*. Absence of anti-p53 antibody in Chinese patients with rheumatoid arthritis and systemic lupus erythematosus. Arthritis & Rheumatism 46:276, 2002.
- Hsu YT, Chang YH, and Shiau MY*. Absence of anti-p53 antibody in Taiwanese patients with type 1 diabetes mellitus. Hungkuang Journal 42: 47-55, 2003.
- Shiau MY, Kuo TM, Tsai CT, Chiou HL, Lee YL, Lin LF, and Chang YH*. Absence of anti-p53 antibody in Chinese patients with rheumatoid arthritis and systemic lupus erythematosus. Arthritis & Rheumatism 46:276, 2002.
- Shiau MY, Chiou HL, Lee YL, Kuo TM and Chang YH*. Establishment of a consistent L929 bioassay system for TNF-a quantitation to evaluate the effect of lipopolysaccharide, phytomitogens and cytodifferentiation agents on the cytotoxicity of TNF-a in attached human mononuclear cells. Mediators of Inflammation 10: 199-208, 2001.
- Shiau MY, Tsai ST, Hwang J, Wu CY, and Chang YH*. Relationship between autoantibodies against glutamic acid decarboxylase, thyroglobulin/thyroid microsome and DNA topoisomerase II at the clinical manifestation of patients with type 1 diabetes mellitus in Taiwan. European Journal of Endocrinology 142: 577-585, 2000.
- Chang YH, Hwang J, Shang HF, and Tsai ST*: Characterization of Human DNA Topoisomerase II as an Autoantigen Recognized by Patients with IDDM. Diabetes 45: 408-414, 1996.
張懿欣 總校閱/方偉宏、江蕙玲、吳文陞、李素珍、林明政、林詠峰、徐慧雯、陳媛孃、黃暉升、黃蕙君、陳清俊、歐月星、姜泰安、廖芳足合著。臨床生化學。台灣 台中 華格那出版公司
吳俊忠 總校閱 蘇怡寧、羅梅真、羅時燕、鍾明怡、蕭明裕、鄧麗珍、鄭恩加、趙崇義、詹爾昌、楊雅倩、楊正芬、黃智生、陳桂添、陳盈汝、陳佑誠、許蕙玲、張懿欣、張建國、張長泉、孫光蕙、施浤彰、林景堉、林淑華、林淑容、林佳霓、林文昌、李建宏、李宏謨、吳芳姿、何鴻耀、江倪全、朱大成、王聖帆合著。醫學分子檢驗。台灣 台北 五南圖書出版公司
Invited book chapter “Chapter 97. Autoantibodies against tumor suppressor proteins” (pp.793-798) in second edition of the “Textbook of Autoantibodies” published by Elsevier Press, Nov., 2006.
吳俊忠 總校閱 周以正、林定邦、胡文熙、張長泉、張珍琦、張懿欣、許明隆、彭健芳、黃小萍、廖淑貞、褚佩瑜、鄧麗珍、謝素娥、蘇玲慧合著。 臨床微生物學-細菌及黴菌學。台灣 台北 五南圖書出版公司